
The Love of Money & ME




There is a fear on the planet right now and it’s focused around money. Having it and not having it.

My energetic awareness is telling me that there is SOOOOOOO much more available RIGHT NOW than we can even imagine. And if we buy into the fear paradigm we will miss it… (OR it will take a lot longer to jump back in)

This 30 day Self Guided Immersion is going to give you a lifetime of tools to shift out of any money stagnation and remind you THAT money is infinite.

Money is truly an energy and it can NEVER be controlled. AND when you step into YOU, loving YOU then money comes and it comes and it comes.

We will bring it all back to you, loving YOU into more money.

You’ll gain access to more when you say yes to this immersion.


In just 30 days you will have the system and strategy to always BE more and ask for more and money will flow to you much easier.


What you receive:

  • 4 recorded Tele calls with Q & A (VALUED AT 2K) Lifetime Access
  • Money Creation Visualization (Valued at 100$)
  • Receiving Activation (Valued at 100$)
  • Receiving through the Meridians (Valued at 250$)
  • Generational Wealth Activation (Valued at 350$)
  • Opening the Heart to Receive (Valued at 250$)
  • Heart Meridian – Allowing more to flow (Valued at 250$)
  • Pelvic Floor Meditation – When the Root is clear you receive through all of YOU (Valued at 250$)
  • Triple Warmer Alignment to all that you Desire (Valued at 250$)

TOTAL VALUE: $3800 – yours for 297$

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