
Biz Accelerator: Intuitive Offers & Sales

Receive the foundational modules to create a 6 figure spiritual business that creates the time freedom and impact you truly desire!

This is going to be a transformative self paced program!! You will learn how to BE in your business in a way that creates beyond your current reality.

Your intuition is a GIFT beyond measure and yet SO many question it. They call themselves crazy and they disregard their intuition. When you set your intuitive power aside and question it, it weakens. We will build your trust and belief back into your intuition so that you can create more & more.

You’ll learn a way to create offers that you absolutely LOVE!

AND you’ll learn what to do when you fall out of love with your offers and even when you fall out of love with your business!

This is not a cookie cutter formula – it is a pathway to creating offers throughout the rest of your life. One, once I learned, I could create an offer in a day and sell it that day and then over and over and over. It was like the sweetest nectar on the world to be reconnected with my intuition in this way.

YOU decide what your business requires by also intuitively and energetically connecting with your body in a way that allows your business to grow “as if by magic”.

When my clients learned this and implemented this they shot from 4K months to 20K months with total ease!

This is a personally paced journey and if you require 1:1 work, then please reach out to add this to this program.

It’s time to allow more of your business into your world. It’s time to step into more ease and joy and truly allow your spiritual business to thrive. Let’s dive in to this simple approach that will open up a lot for you in your business!

You will receive the following:

  • 6 modules including and not limited to:

    • #1: HOW to create offers that are aligned and that you LOVE
    • #2: How to Step into Sales so that you begin to love selling your offers
    • #3: The Nitty Gritty behind Selling Simply – You will learn what is required for a sale online. A module so many of my clients say they never knew!
    • #4: What does it take to create beyond 10K months, creating systems that contribute to MORE of your business
    • #5: Clear the wounds preventing you from BEING in your business and what it takes to create consistent revenue every month
    • #6: Business Energy Pulls, the fun energetics of staying in the invitation of your business and offers which includes what it takes to BE in your business (embodiment)
    • (VALUED at 3K)

  • If you wish to book additional 1:1 sessions you can order bump all the 1:1 Biz offers for 15% off!


BONUS – Potency of YOU – 30 days of meridian and energy center clearing that allows your body to become even more abundant and so you can RECEIVE more! (Valued at 300$) In your 1:1 sessions you will learn about which KEY meridians are out of balance and have the activations to clear them to the next level!


TOTAL Value: $3,300

YOURS for only $397


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Get Clarity & Confidence in your offers!

These assessments add clarity to your business and you'll have a plan in how to add 10K and beyond to your monthly revenue

In just 8 weeks your entire business can change! Upgrade NOW!

A 6 month Business Mentorship will create the 6 figure foundation that builds a 7 figure biz!

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